“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Happy New Year & Welcome Back!

We hope this message finds you well and that you had a wonderful and restful Christmas break surrounded by the love of family and friends. As we usher in the New Year, it brings us great joy to welcome our students and families back to the exciting world of learning and discovery at St. Vincent de Paul!  We trust that the holiday season has rejuvenated everyone, and we are eager to embark on the next chapter of the academic year together. As we step into this new year, let’s approach it with enthusiasm, a commitment to learning, and a sense of community!  Wishing you and your families a fantastic start to the new year!


Here are a few important reminders and updates as we start the new year:

  1. School Resumes:  Bring Your Water Bottle and Indoor Pair of Shoes : Classes will resume on Monday, January 8th at 9:00 am, and we look forward to seeing all our students bright and early.  Please make sure your child brings a reusable water bottle to school.  If your child does not already have a pair of indoor shoes at school, please make sure to send one in with your child.  It is essential that all students have a pair of indoor shoes that can be used for daily active participation in school and physical education.  Be sure to label your child’s shoes please, as some students have the same ones.
  2. Upcoming Events: Keep an eye out for announcements about upcoming events, activities, and educational initiatives planned for your child’s class as well as the school.  This information can be found in your child’s D2L site.  We have an exciting lineup that we’re sure the students will enjoy.
  3. Open Communication: We value open communication with our parents and encourage you to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or if you just want to share some good news.
  4. Student Absences: If your family will be away from school or if your children are ill, we respectfully ask that you please ensure you call the school at 519-740-0678. As we return from the holidays, we understand that families are returning from trips or time away. We want to ensure that all students are accounted for and that we continue with our safe arrival routines.
  5. Reminder of Winter Weather:  Although we have experienced a mild winter so far there are a few important weather reminders.  Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately each day to play outside at recess. As per board procedures, students are outside for all regular outside activities. When temperatures (including windchill) range between -20°C to -27°C, students may remain outside for no longer than 15-minute intervals, once temperatures are colder than -27°C students must remain inside.  It is always a good idea to send your child with extra layers, socks, and extra gloves/mitts.
  6. Parking Lot Safety Reminders: The safety of our students, staff and families is always our first priority and we thank you for your continued support in working together. Before we know it, the heavier snow will arrive and create additional safety concerns in our parking lots. We wanted to pass along some reminders to keep everyone safe.  The ring road at the front of the school is closed from 8:40 – 9:15 am and at 3:15 to 3:45 pm.   Please refrain from using this ring road to drop off or pick up your children during these times  to prevent blocking of our school buses. Please continue to drive slowly and cautiously, always watching for students and family members. This will be especially important as snow accumulates and visibility is limited. We ask all parents to be respectful of our staff parking lot and day care parking spots as these areas are closed all day for any drop offs/pick up.  Please also remember that dogs are not permitted on school property for the safety of all.
  7. Medication Changes: If there have been any alterations in your child’s medication, dosage, or administration times, please notify the school office. Your prompt communication helps us ensure your child’s well-being and safety while they are in our care.
  8. Upcoming PD Day – January 19th: A reminder to all families that there is no school for elementary students on Friday, January 19, 2024.


Catholic Graduate Expectations and Transferable Skills.

Throughout the month of January, our Catholic Graduate Expectation focus is on being a reflective, creative and holistic thinker.  

Being a reflective, creative and holistic thinker means … I HAVE IDEAS!
I have thoughts and opinions that matter
I make good choices
I have hope for the future
I solve problems with knowledge, understanding and prayer
I know we are all equal and specia

Because I have ideas, I have a purpose, and I will live my life like Jesus! 

Transferable skills are the skills and attributes that students need to thrive in the modern world. Based on international research, the Ontario Ministry of Education has defined seven important categories of transferable skills – sometimes called “competencies” – that will help students navigate the world of work and meet with success in the future.  As we step into the month of January, our focus will be on fostering Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship among our students. These essential skills empower students to ask questions, share their opinions, and cultivate new ideas. We aim to inspire them to contribute solutions to real-world problems, nurturing leadership qualities, imagination, creativity, and the ability to motivate others. We encourage you to actively engage with your child at home by fostering an environment that supports these skills. Encourage them to explore, question, and share their thoughts, allowing their creativity to flourish. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in cultivating a dynamic and enriching educational experience for your child


Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year Now Open!

Kindergarten is an exciting milestone for your child and for your family! Our school offers a full-day, 2-year Kindergarten program, designed to engage curious early learners through different kinds of play, that help children learn how to reason and problem-solve as they interact with one another.  The online registration portal for Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open!

  • Children born in 2020 are eligible for Year 1 of The Kindergarten Program (Junior Kindergarten)
  • Children born in 2019 are eligible for Year 2 of The Kindergarten Program (Senior Kindergarten). *Children currently enrolled in Year 1 (JK) do not need to register for Year 2 (SK)

 For more information on registering your child for kindergarten, please visit the WCDSB website: Entering Kindergarten – Waterloo Catholic District School Board (wcdsb.ca)

Just a reminder that our school has been ‘capped’ and therefore, closed to Out of Boundary admissions.  For those existing families/students who attend SVdP and are out of bounds, they will be able to continue to attend our school but will be subject to year-to-year capacity.   If new students (i.e. JK students) have older siblings that currently attend SVdP, they can register but again would be subject to year-to-year capacity.